Saga's Website

Chapter 6

In Which the Succubus Solace Prepares for a Longer Stay

The first step in scoring a human man for Solace to feed from -- although Vera initially assumed Solace would be looking for a woman, for some reason -- is apparently to get her more clothes. This suits Solace fine.

Or it would, if Vera hadn’t cheerfully dragged her along on the trip. “Well, we gotta make sure it’s all the right size! We don’t have all day,” she’d explained.

So Solace trots along through the mall behind the taller demon, face flushed, trying to ignore the way each human’s gaze seems drawn to the two of them as they pass. Vera reassures her that humans, being curious creatures, always take note when demons walk among them, and not to worry about it too much.

But Solace is still commando under that translucent, too-short top, and the young succubus can’t help but worry that at least some of the ogling can be attributed to that fact. And for some reason, all this attention is making her ravenously hungry.

Vera stops at a rack of shirts and asks Solace a question, but Solace fails to process what she says. She stares intently, yet blankly, at the shirts and tries to stop her mind from spinning in useless hungry circles. Vera asks again, then leans down and snaps her fingers directly in front of Solace’s face. Solace blinks and mightily labors to refocus her attention.

“What’s goin’ on, sweetheart?” Vera inquires, looking worried. “You’re miles away.”

Solace bites her lip, glancing aside. “...Hungry,” she mumbles. “Really hungry.”

“Didn’t you just have one of your little milk cartons?” Vera raises her eyebrows. “I guess this is your first time seeing so many humans. Must look like a buffet to your cute little pussy.”

Solace twitches involuntarily, and feels her cheeks redden another shade at that phrasing. “You’re making it worse,” she protests indignantly.

Vera just laughs. “My bad,” she hums, without an ounce of contrition. “Let’s see if anywhere around here sells that stuff.”

Solace was worried for a moment that Vera would try and rope in a random passerby to provide her meal. In fact, a small, shameful, gluttonous little part of her that she doesn’t want to acknowledge was kind of hoping she would. But Vera seems determined to stick to her original plan… whatever that is. Which is A-OK with Solace. She kind of wants her first time with a real human to be special.

Vera leads Solace to a little food stand outside the clothing store. Behind the counter, a goat-headed demon in sunglasses is frying up some delicious-smelling meat. “Hey, man, you got supplements?” she casually inquires.

“Huh?” the goatman says, before looking up at Solace. His eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, shit, yeah. Which kind are you?”

“I-I’m a succubus.”

“Alright, don’t worry, I got you covered. Just hold on one sec.”

Solace blinks. “N-no, it’s fine, take your t-time.”

“You’re trembling, sweetie,” Vera hisses out the side of her mouth, as the goatman hurriedly rummages under the counter.

Solace looks down at her hands. They are a little shaky, but not that bad. The guy seemed genuinely concerned.

“You’re also drooling a bit.”

Solace hurriedly wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Not there.”

The succubus feels herself flush a darker shade of red. “O-oh.” She presses her thighs together even harder. “T-that’s embarrassing.”

Vera pats her gently on the head. Solace shivers at the contact. “Sweetie, everyone’s got needs,” Vera reassures. “No need to be ashamed of your biology. If anyone gives you grief over it, they’ll answer to me.”

“That’s n-not, uh, really what I’m worried about...”

But, before she can explain, the goatman emerges, sliding a carton across the counter. “On the house. One gonna be enough?”

Solace seizes the carton before she even realizes she’s moving.

“Should be. But she’ll need a straw,” Vera adds.

“Sure thing. They’re over by the soda fountain.”

Vera strides briskly over to where he’s pointing on her LONG LONG LEGS and scoops up a straw. Solace blinks, staring numbly after her. Was that... a flicker of appetite? Good grief, she’s gotten so ravenous that the motion of any SHAPELY LUSCIOUS hips will set her salivating, no matter who they’re attached to! She turns to look at the goatman instead, at the enticing way his slightly-too-small T-shirt clings to his APPETIZINGLY BULKY TORSO

Solace coughs, turning her gaze to the floor. That’s not better.

Vera returns with the straw and bundles Solace over to a nearby table. The first sip of aphrodesial supplement, blessedly, clears some of the steamy fog from her mind. She eagerly downs the rest, as quickly as the straw will allow.

When she’s finished, she exhales a sigh of relief. The blooms of heat throughout her body have faded, and she can think clearly again.

“You alright now?” Vera asks.


Vera smiles. “Good. Listen, sweetheart, I’m sorry. Probably shouldn’t have teased you so much. I didn’t realize it was that bad.”

Solace twirls a hand in her hair. “No, no... It’s fine, I’m, just... ” She sighs. “This is a lot all at once.”

Vera chuckles contentedly. “I get it. We should probably find you some underwear first before we work on anything else. I could see how it’d be hard to take on the surface for the first time while you’re going commando.”

“That’d really help...”

Vera arches an eyebrow. “Hm. Noted,” she purrs, in a way that makes Solace shiver. “Well, let’s get to it, then. You’ll want some lingerie, too, for the big occasion.” She stands. “C’mon, I know a good place.”

Author's Note: I'm thinking this story'll probably be about fifteen or sixteen chapters in total when I'm done, at the pace we're going.