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Chapter 5

In Which the Succubus Solace Embraces Spontaneity

Solace forlornly slurps up the last of her aphrodesial supplement. A little of the sulfur dust from the arcane pyrotechnics betokening her arrival apparently settled in the stuff, utterly ruining the taste, but she’s not in the habit of wasting food. Especially not when it seems unlikely she’ll get any from this trip after all. Why did it have to be such a crusty, hideous old man? At least he seemed equally uninterested in feeding her, or even ogling.

Her glum mood makes it difficult to enjoy the antique luxury of the mage’s old manor. Everything is gilded or ornately carved or both, but it’s all covered in the dust of single-minded neglect. And none of it matches. At least this plush, velvet dining chair is comfortable on her embarrassingly-naked legs. She uncrosses and recrosses them, glancing around at the room while she waits. Wow, this human has atrocious decorating sense.

Finally, the bird demon returns with an armful of clothes. “Hopefully this fits you. On me, it’s a top, but you’re small enough you could probably call it a dress... Don’t have any panties that’d stay on those hips, though, sorry, sweetie. But that should be enough to keep you covered on the way back, right?”

Solace eagerly takes the top and slips it on. For a dress, especially one without underwear beneath it, this garment is alarmingly excitingly short. And translucent near the bottom, which only adds to the risk. Solace presses her legs together. At least it’s something?

“First time being summoned?” coos the bird demon.

Solace looks up. “How could you tell?”

“You seemed a little unprepared.” She gestures to the empty carton. “Besides, your head’s been on a swivel the whole time since we came out of that basement. It’s a lot to take in, huh?” Smiling, she extends a hand. “I’m Vera. Nice to meet you.”

Vera’s handshake is firm, warm, and almost disappointingly brief. “We’re using common names? Solace.”

Vera nods gravely. “We’re on the surface. Never drop your true name here unless you’re willing to be bothered constantly for the rest of your life, and possibly bound by someone more competent than this idiot. Even if you don’t think there are humans around to hear it.”

Solace absorbs this knowledge. “Humans are that cruel?”

Vera scoffs. “Not as a rule. It’s not even most of them. But enough are that it’s a serious risk. And some don’t know any better.” Her weary tone indicates a wealth of experience on the topic.

“I see...” Some of Solace's friends, fellow concubi, have already been summoned up to give a human the night of their lives. Their gossip tended to paint the surface-dwellers as simple, eager to please, and easy to push around. As such, that was Solace's impression of humans up until now. It only now occurs to Solace that there might be some selection bias there.

“Anyway,” Vera interrupts her contemplation, “Sorry about the old dipshit, he never learned manners. I can send you back now if you like. Probably safer than letting him mangle another spell on you.”

Solace hesitates. Yes, she wasn’t here by choice… but some part of her wants to seize the chance. To explore the surface and its alien comforts. To finally have a meal or two or a hundred the fun way.

...She’s getting hungry again already. Solace takes a deep breath. “No, actually. I wanna stay here for a while. M-might as well, you know?”

Vera raises her eyebrows. “Oho! Alright, we can do that too.” She leans in close, prompting Solace to shy away just a little. “You’re curious, aren’t you? Oh, wow, you sure are. I can smell it. Girl, have you ever had a meal that didn’t come out of a carton?”

Solace turns her bashful gaze downwards. “N-no…” she hesitantly admits, suddenly anxious that this much more outgoing woman will somehow see that as a moral failing.

Vera, of course, does nothing of the sort. Rubbing her hands together, she straightens up, a grin forming on her face. “Oh, darling, we gotta fix that.”

Author's Note: When I first wrote this, I did not make Solace's wingwoman an actual birdgirl on purpose, but it's very funny now that I realize what I did.