Saga's Website

Physicality of Music

Hovering in the back of the stage, back of the song, she blends in. A metronome in scarred wood and twisted tension. She is the skeleton the rest of the tune is draped on, calmly carrying it with her arms and her leg. And her reward for this solemn service is the chance, one in a while, to cut loose. To cut open the fleshy fabric of the melody and reveal bones. She fashions her precision timepiece into a pair of hammers and lays waste. They call it a “break” because of what she does in these fleeting solos. She beats sweat and fury against the skin of her silent partner and in this catharsis of violence she reminds everyone of the power she has, how she could bludgeon the music to bleeding mush if her usual tranquility was not such a comfortable cloak.