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Dipping Her Toe in the Grease

(INTERIOR, THE WIRING HARNESS. A dim, smoky lesbian bar on the lowest level of the MMS ADAMANTIUM. Neon signs hang crookedly on the walls, providing the majority of illumination in this grungy bar. Numerous people, mostly women in baggy jumpsuits, drink and mingle. In an alcove in the background, two people of indeterminate gender can just barely be seen aggressively making out. The camera lingers on them for a moment, then pans left to a round, translucent table where two women are sitting. KATYA has fluffy pink hair. Her jumpsuit is open in the front. MBALI, the bespectacled woman in a tanktop and sweats across from her, is resting her tattooed chin on her hand and lazily stirring her drink.)

(smirking) Oh, look at her. She’s out of her depth.

(CUT TO: Wide shot of the curved bar. In the foreground, SOLEIL, a woman with long hair and a sleek dress, nervously stares into her drink. KATYA and MBALI’s table is visible in the far background of the image.)

(CUT TO: KATYA and MBALI’s table.)

Don’t recognize her. This her first time here?

Must be. Never seen her in person before.

(smiling knowingly) She a pilot?

Yep. That’s Soleil Rand. QM-1 Eclipse, in the flesh.

(suddenly interested) No shit? What’s she doing down here?

Guess even she’s got appetites.

(Silence for a couple beats. KATYA is still looking intently off camera at SOLEIL. She licks her lips. MBALI sighs and finishes her drink.)

You gonna go hit on her or what?

Oh, absolutely. You think I’m gonna pass up the chance to fuck the literal poster girl? The mascot for the whole damn station?

Well, get in there, then, before another superfan makes a move.

(KATYA hesitates.)

C’mon, I got your back.

(CUT TO: Narrow shot of SOLEIL from behind the bar. As the camera zooms out, KATYA sits down on one side of her, MBALI on the other. SOLEIL looks up abruptly, surprised.)

Hey, little princess. What brings you to our neck of the woods?

(clearly trying hard to stay calm) Oh, you know, change of pace. (nervous laugh)

(indulgently) Mhm?

Well, welcome to the Wiring Harness, Eclipse.

(SOLEIL glances over her shoulder at the many rough and crass women arrayed in the background. CUT TO: Brief shot of the group of four mechanics SOLEIL is looking at, cackling over a bawdy joke. CUT BACK to the original shot.)

Thank you. It’s, um, very down to earth.

(grinning) You’re so tense. Long day?

Aren’t they always?

Care for a shoulder massage?

(SOLEIL shivers.)

Katya here is great at those.

(too quickly, stammering) That would be nice!

(MBALI shoots KATYA a smirk behind SOLEIL’s back, which she returns.)

(CUT TO: Side view of SOLEIL, over MBALI’s shoulder. KATYA gets up again, positioning herself behind SOLEIL. The camera moves in, past MBALI, as KATYA rests her hands on SOLEIL’s shoulders...)

(MATCH CUT TO: KATYA and SOLEIL, in the exact same position and camera framing, but now in a dimly lit mech hangar. SOLEIL is completely naked, her makeup smudged. KATYA’s jumpsuit is peeled open at the waist, revealing her sweaty torso and baring her arms. SOLEIL’s lipstick has left marks on her face. She has a black grease smear on her cheek and her hands are also greasy. Her hair is a little more messed up than before. KATYA leans forward as soon as the cut happens, practically slamming SOLEIL down against the gleaming mech foot in front of them. SOLEIL gasps.)

(whispering huskily in SOLEIL’s ear) Perfect little princess, always so neat and tidy in the promotions...

(CUT TO: Close-up of SOLEIL’s small breasts, mirrored against the shiny metal. KATYA’s greasy hands slip around to fondle them. SOLEIL whines wordlessly.)

You wouldn’t believe how much I fantasize about messing you up.

(CUT TO: Different angle, in front of SOLEIL. KATYA’s hand slides downward, leaving a long grease smear on SOLEIL’s perfect skin, before disappearing out of view behind the foot. SOLEIL moans.)

This stuff stains, you know. Everyone’s gonna be able to tell you let a mechanic put her grimy hands all over you for at least a week.

(panicked) Wait, really?!

(instantly less intense) No, I’m just playing. It comes right off in the shower.

Oh, thank god.

Do you want me to walk that back?

No, I mean... That is really hot. (clearing her throat) I just don’t want to actually get written up for lewd conduct.

(grinning) Oh-kay!

(KATYA leans close again, her hands going back to work.)

Oh, isn’t that just the sweetest thing? You think that actually happens.

(SOLEIL inhales expectantly.)

What’ll really happen is, every mechanic in your squad is gonna want a turn with you next.

(shuddering) Every–

Every. Last. One.

(SOLEIL whimpers joyfully and squirms, but KATYA has her securely pinned.)

Grease on a pilot is like blood in the water for us, Eclipse. It’ll whip ‘em into a frenzy. So you better get ready.

(CUT TO: Wide overhead shot of the mech bay. The colossal shadows of the war machines in their neat lines stretch across the room. SOLEIL and KATYA are not visible in the shot, but SOLEIL’s faint moaning and KATYA’s grunts of exertion can be heard. Fade to black.)

Author's Note: Soleil is the second person I'd consider a "protagonist" of this loose series, alongside Josie.