Saga's Website

Chapter 1

In Which the Bird Demon Vera Entertains a Guest

One advantage of Vera’s demonic physiology for which she constantly finds herself grateful is her ability to forgo breathing for long periods of time. Bird demons such as herself traditionally nest near the tops of caverns, and many caverns in the underworld produce toxic fumes which rise into the higher echelons. Developing such natural resilience was instrumental in the survival of Vera’s subspecies.

Of course, nowadays, cultural exchange between demons and humans is prevalent, and demons have come to adapt many of the technologies developed by humans in addition to their own ancestral magics. The underworld is far tamer than it was when Vera was born over two millennia ago, and the places where demons live are far more comfortable. The survival adaptations remain, however, and canny demons continue to put them to various practical uses.

Even here, in the human world, where things are more comfortable still, there exist a few places one can find oneself deprived of air. Like below the sea, or above the clouds. Or, Vera’s asphyxiant of choice this evening: that which lies between the thighs of a woman.

Vera met Sidney, the blonde beauty currently astride her face, at a party. Now, despite appearances and behavior, Vera is no succubus. She has no preternatural charming force to ensnare her partners, not that she’d bother using it if she had. She is simply that competent in the art of flirtation, her talents honed over millenia, and the results speak for themselves. And, as this newest conquest is rapidly discovering, Vera’s lilting words are by no means empty.

Vera’s deft tongue has Sidney gripping her by the tiny horns for dear life, which along with her twitching thighs and breathless keening only serves to further motivate the demon. “Oh my god,” Sidney whines. “Oh fuck!” She arches her back, grinding harder against the demon’s mouth. Heat coils up tight inside her, tension reaching a peak, and the only release is for her to cry out pleasure at the top of her lungs.

Unlike Vera, Sidney eventually runs out of air entirely. She has to roll off Vera’s face to catch her breath. Vera rolls onto her side, surveying her handiwork with a satisfied smirk. Sweaty, chest heaving, staring up at the ceiling in awe, Sidney lies sprawled on the expensive sheets. Doing this to women never gets old, Vera muses to herself. Her smirk only grows when Sidney’s gaze drops to meet hers, and the woman looks like she’s going to say something...

...Only for the door to the room to clatter open. A voice as cranky as the hinges demands, “Enough of this racket! Quiet!”

Vera looks up. The man whose house she’s imposing in recoils at the sight of Sidney’s slick still smeared all over her face, and Vera snickers. This is Whitworth Whitworth, the crusty old asshole who summoned Vera to the surface. Thanks to his flawed binding circle, Vera is completely out of Whitworth’s control, and for Vera the only pleasure that compares to blowing women’s minds is making him regret ever wanting a demonic servant every day of his life.

Sidney, however, seems understandably less pleased by the abrupt appearance of a ghoulish-looking old mage. Wide-eyed, she hastily pulls the comforter up to her chin to cover herself.

“This tryst is over. Get out.” Whitworth gestures angrily at Sidney. “Don’t ever come back here again. And you.” He turns to Vera, only to raise his hands to block the sight of her naked form. “Stop tumbling women in my bed, you wretched harlot, or I’ll send you back to Hell where you belong.” He slams the door shut and stomps back down the stairs, his grousing growing more muffled with every step.

Sidney turns her stricken gaze at Vera. Vera shrugs back. “Eh, he’s all bark, no bite,” she smirks, still reclining comfortably. “Don’t worry. After seeing you naked he definitely doesn’t ever wanna think about you again. And he can’t do shit to me.”

Sidney sighs. “I… still think I should probably go.” No matter how good the sex was, she doesn’t like the idea of facing an angry wizard’s wrath for it. Plus, learning the bed belongs to that liver-spotted, gaunt old creep has kind of soured her mood. “Thanks for showing me a good time.” She crawls out of bed and sets to rummaging around for her clothes.

“Fair enough,” Vera shrugs. “If you wanna shower first, the ensuite’s over there.” She points out the room’s other door.

“I’ll pass. Thanks, though.” Sidney shakes her head.

“Don’t wanna overstay your welcome? Fine by me. You got my number if you ever wanna meet up again. Oh, and feel free to steal anything you want on the way out.” Vera grins.

Sidney nervously returns it. She thinks perhaps she won’t.

Author's Note: Did bird demons evolve from dinosaur demons??? Man that'd be fucking cool. I'm gonna make that canon.