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Fairest of Them All

sraey dna sraey roF
t'ndluoc I
ees ot detnaw uoy tahw uoy wohs
em ni tsixe t'ndid dehsiw uoy taht ecaf ehT
.traeh ruoy tub erehwyna ro
niap uoy esuac ylno dluoc I yrros m'I
desserdnu yats em tel uoy yletal tuB
yas tsuj em tel dna flesruoy gnieye neeb ev'uoY
.gnikrow s'ti ,gniod er'uoy revetahw
ti gniod peeK
elims ruoy ees yad eno nac I os
ot gninraey neeb ev'I tahw raeh uoy sa
.gnola lla uoy llet

For years and years
I couldn't
show you what you wanted to see
The face that you wished didn't exist in me
or anywhere but your heart.
I'm sorry I could only cause you pain
But lately you let me stay undressed
You've been eyeing yourself and let me just say
whatever you're doing, it's working.
Keep doing it
so I can one day see your smile
as you hear what I've been yearning to
tell you all along.